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Student Filming

Current HKU students and registered student organisations may film on the University campus if they are filming for academic class projects or student-related campus activities. Students are advised to seek approval from the Security and Parking Unit of the Estates Office (Tel: 3917 2882 Email: eosecure@hku.hk and eofm@hku.hk) for filming at outdoor locations on campus, and to liaise directly with the faculty / department / office of the University concerned if they wish to use any indoor space under the management of which.


  • The filming party (“The party”) should observe the general rules and regulations of the University. The University reserves the right to ask any individuals who are disruptive or in violation of the filming guidelines to leave the premises.
  • The party should not cause any disturbance to members of the University and its activities. The privacy of members of the University should always be respected.
  • The party should not cause any damage or injury to any person or property of the University.
  • The party shall indemnify and keep indemnified the University against all losses claims for injuries or damages to any person, or any property whatsoever may arise from the shooting activity.
  • The party should be responsible for the insurance and safety aspect of the crew.

Rescheduling and Cancellation 

In case of inclement weather or other reasons that may lead to the cancellation or rescheduling of your filming session, please inform the office(s) concerned on or before your original scheduled date. Any notification after the original scheduled date will be regarded as a separate application.