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香港大學在全球排名中名列前茅,世界排名第 26 位和第 35 位 (2024 年 Quacquarelli Symonds 及泰晤士高等教育排名)。香港大學亦被泰晤士高等教育評為 2023 年全球最國際化的大學。

更多 港大全球排名概覽
Measure of the Mutations

Measure of the Mutations

A cutting-edge screening platform enables rapid large-scale assessment and quantitative analysis of the severity and infective strength of SARS-CoV-2 mutations.

更多 Measure of the Mutations
Taking the Strain

Taking the Strain

In the ongoing battle to fight new COVID strains with new vaccines, an HKU-led research team have discovered that basing the vaccine booster on the related but distinct virus, SARS-CoV-1, may produce more effective protection.

更多 Taking the Strain

