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HKU’s research strategies and policies are formulated by the University Research Committee (URC), which is a committee of the Senate chaired by the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research). The URC designs and administers funding schemes to strengthen the University’s research performance.


Category Name
A Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, appointed by the President and Vice-Chancellor (Chairman) (ex-officio) Professor Z.M. Shen
A Chair Professor, appointed by the President and Vice-Chancellor (Deputy Chairman) Professor A.S.T. Wong
Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) (ex-officio) Professor I.M. Holliday
The Dean of the Graduate School or his/her representative (ex-officio) Professor D. Jin
Director, Technology Transfer Office (ex-officio) Professor Z.M. Shen (Acting Director)
Up to six teachers appointed by the Senate for two years at a time

Professor D.M. Bishai
Professor D. Chan
Professor S. He
Professor V.W.W. Yam
Professor C.K.Y. Yiu
Professor S.N.M. Young

Up to four teachers co-opted by the Committee for one year at a time

Professor H.W. Cappelen
Professor G. Chiribella
Professor P. Gao
Professor N. Rao

President and Vice-Chancellor (Statutory) Professor X. Zhang

For enquiries, please email rssdata@hku.hk.
